The Future of Healthcare

Wealthcare: Demystifying web3 and the rise of personal data economies in healthcare

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About the author

A trailblazing figure at the intersection of medicine, decentralized technology and AI, Dr. Brigitte Piniewski is at the forefront of the web3 healthcare evolution. She captivates audiences with a clear and actionable perspective on the immense possibilities of securely channeling crowd-sourced health expression data sets for unparalleled AI training. Revolutionary health intelligence hinges on two pillars: the promise of enduring privacy with self-management of personal data plus the permissioned prowess of sophisticated machine learning. Dr. Piniewski covers how a dramatic elevation in personally relevant health intelligence is poised to not only enable cutting-edge products and services but also a myriad of new data-dependent business models which will lay the foundation for society’s next leap in wealth production.

Her seminal book, “Wealthcare: Demystifying Web3 and the Rise of Personal Data Economies”, also available as an NFT, is an essential guide for anyone aiming to spearhead innovations in healthcare.

What you'll learn

Health intelligence has always been based on study populations - a vast sea of statistics, trends and averages. Yet not one of us exists as average. Each of us are a unique tapestry of genetics and experiences.

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Today, when seeking medical advice, physicians consider just a few parameters to dictate our care. This is akin to seeing merely the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the surface lie hundreds, if not thousands, of personal parameters that may meaningfully impact our health outcomes.

The dilemma deepens when we consider the price of sharing these intimate details. In an era where data has proven to be the new gold, we are desperate to strike a reliable balance between privacy and sophisticated, truly personalized care.

Enter the power of web3. Underpinned by groundbreaking technologies, web3 allows us to transform our health experiences into digital assets granting us the autonomy to determine their use. Empowered by AI, these assets can be tokenized and come alive, as algorithms dive deeper to uncover patterns and insights previously unimaginable.

And here’s the game-changer: contributing data is no longer a one-off event. Our data packets, once tokenized, ensure that any future value created is distributed among the contributors into perpetuity. Your personal data, in this paradigm, isn’t just a means to better care; it’s a valuable economic asset, a bridge between individual privacy and robust collective health intelligence.

Industry today can only deliver average outcomes based on populations. Yet average is not acceptable. We deserve exceptional. With web3, we the people can co-create the firehose of digital truths to train AI and deliver truly individualized health capable of providing personally-relevant insights to reach exceptional outcomes.

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What people are saying

“This is a thoughtful and provocative narrative, a foundation for meaningful efforts hoping to transform health.”

— Adrian Gropper, MD, CTO of Patient Privacy Rights, Principal at HIE of One

“Captures the humanity that current systems have failed to do, by reintroducing a person centered ecosystem based on workflows bolstered by modern technologies.”

— Douglas Rosendale, Senior Physician Executive in Health Informatics, Former Chief Medical Information Officer


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Brigitte Piniewski, MD on Wealthcare, Crowdfunding, & Data Ownership

The Health Innovators Show

Brigitte Piniewski on Empowering Patients with Web 3.0 and Wealthcare

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Brigitte Piniewski on Empowering Patients with Web 3.0 and Wealthcare